This is for you if...
You want to go deeper into breath practice
You are curious about meditation
You have a desire to expand your vitality while also soothing your nervous system
You like Matt's style and want to learn more from him
Course curriculum
What is Pranayama
Basics of Pranayama: Start Here
Pranav Pranayam Video
Sama Vritti Video
Bandhas and Nadis
Bandhas, Retentions and Nadis
Jalandhara Bandha Video
Uddiyana Bandha Video
Nadi Shodhana Video
Surya Bhedana
Stimulating Breathwork
Stimulating Breathwork
Bhastrika Video
Kapala Bhati Video
Other Breathwork Techniques
Other Breathwork Practices
Viloma Video
Bhramari Video
Sitali Video
AUM Video
Matt Kapinus
Matt Kapinus has been teaching yoga in and around Boulder, Colorado for more than a decade. Though he is largely known for teaching top-notch asana classes peppered with humor and wisdom, he is versed in a number of spiritual paths and practices and considers his own teachings to be an ever-expanding synthesis of everything he has learned from the many luminaries who have graciously helped guide him.