This is for you if...

  • You are a current or future yoga teacher and want to include the deities in your classes

  • You are a student of yoga and are curious to learn more about the deieties

  • You enjoy chanting and want to dive in deeper

Course curriculum

  • 1

    A helpful guide

    • Download or print this

  • 2

    Bhakti Chanting Videos

What is included...

  • An introductory video about the deities and chanting

  • Six 5-10 minute videos that explain the energy of the deity and how to use that energy

  • Mantras: mind protection and Mudras: energy seals for each deity

  • Tools to help with emotional balance, to finding strength, letting go, and softening your heart

Your Guide


Steph Schwartz

Steph loves connecting people to their awesomeness through dynamic yoga flows and heart-opening chanting. A yogi since 1999, Steph discovered Ashtanga yoga while training for ultra marathons in Boulder, CO. The obstacles she faced on the trail were no different than those she faced on her mat. And the rewards were just as memorable. Practice hard, but surrender in the face of the unknown. Show up with a plan, but be willing to let go of it. Perfection lies in the intention and in the continuous progression. And most importantly, you really don't need to run 100 miles to feel like a badass. You just need to remember you already are one!
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This course is self-paced. Start whenever you are ready and come back again and again to fill your heart and tune into these energies.